Jeanine Parolini, Ph.D., MA, MBA, Bethel University

Dr. Jeanine Parolini is the MBA Program Director and an Associate Professor for Bethel University, St Paul, MN. Her experiences include 12 years in corporate strategic sales and consulting, 9 years in key staff positions at 2 large non-profits, and 24 years in consulting, coaching, and teaching. Her passion is to invest in principled leaders and learning organizations. Through her work, she has developed thousands of leaders in hundreds of organizations throughout the world. Jeanine coaches leaders, teams, and organizations to be continuous learners, self-aware, trustworthy, responsible, collaborative, empowering, and innovative. She speaks and writes on a variety of topics involving effective leadership, teams, and organizations. To support PMI’s focus on “High Tech, High Touch” Jeanine will speak on topics related to AI (artificial intelligence) and EI (emotional intelligence), and human, team, and organizational development.